Being pregnant is such an exciting, surreal and life changing experience I didn't want to forget a thing about it and so when someone bought me a bump to baby photoshoot I was over the moon.
Although I wasn't sure if when I grew more pregnant I would want my ever so slightly dewy (sweaty) pregnancy complexion, swollen limbs and distended belly documenting for ever more, I knew that despite it all, I would treasure a look back on my precious little one cooking away in my tummy.
As luck would have it, I didn't feel too dewy (sweaty), or bloated, and actually managed to find a dress (similar here) which made me feel beautiful.
I waited until I was 34 weeks or thereabouts so I would have a definite bump to show and we were on the countdown until baby's arrival.
I arrived at the studio late (as usual) after rushing to fit in ten jobs that day. My photographer Gemma was so lovely and could see this pregnant mama was hot and needed some water.
Gemma did a few behind the scenes shots on my mobile for me which I thought was very nice of her.
We took our time, chatted about the vibe I was looking for from the photos and discussed outfits. I'd gone for three outfits, a casual every day jeans and vest look, my glamorous boho dress and an arty slightly naked bump shot in my kimono.
The final results were lovely, I think, and I came away with a few nice photos that I'd happily put in the family album.
The hour whizzed by and we chatted about what the little one might be like and the newborn shoot we had planned when baby arrived.
Fast forward to 40 weeks plus 4 days and little Florence Ophelia had arrived in the world, so beautiful and adored already.
Once we got past the first week of craziness we got in touch with Gemma to schedule our baby photoshoot. Again she couldn't have been lovelier or more understanding. We put a provisional date in the diary for the following Thursday when the Little Inspiration would be 12 days old but Gemma said that if little one wasn't up to it we could always change it.
On the day the studio gave us two hours, so that we could stop, feed and change her, or in case she was unsettled.
As it turned out I had to stop to breastfeed A LOT which she was totally cool about and there were many tears but also the odd magical smile and snoozy nap. Our girl was so wide eyed and bushy tailed that getting a sleepy newborn shot like I'd hoped didn't really happen, but we got one during a micro nap.
We were really pleased with the pictures and that Gemma took the pressure off us to be out of the studio. Her presence was really calming and we even managed to get some nice family shots for the album.
I know we will treasure these memories forever and will be able to show our Little Inspiration what a precious little bundle she was and how loved she was from the second she entered this world.
Would you capture your pregnancy on a bump shoot? I'd love to hear how yours went or whether you would invest in newborn photography.
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